Navigating the chaos and craziness of the Trump-Vance-Musk administration is overwhelming. As a statewide progressive activist organization, we acknowledge that we’re not the experts on national issues. However, we’re committed to doing what we can to respond to the lawlessness of the administration and we urge you to join us in the fight for justice, equality, and accountability.
This page is dedicated to providing you with tools for change.
Whether you’re looking to understand your rights, connect with local advocacy groups, or just find some inspiration to keep fighting the good fight, we’ve got you covered with resources to help you stay informed, take action, and make a positive impact. Together, we can hold our leaders accountable and work towards a more just and equitable society.
So, dive in, stay informed, and let’s make some waves!
5 Calls: Spend 5 minutes. Make 5 calls. Make your voice heard.
50501: 50 protests. 50 states. 1 movement. Join in the fight to uphold the Constitution and end executive overreach.
Americans of Conscience Checklist: Strengthen democracy and expand equality one action at a time.
The future of media is independent. And there’s not enough of it. We need them – the ones with integrity, the diverse perspectives, the truths. Ensure a strong, independent media. Arm yourself (free and paid subscriptions). Curate your stream. Support them – with your time, your subscriptions, your damn attention.
Chop Wood Carry Water | Jessica Craven: A weekday newsletter that gives you easy, effective political actions to take to stave off despair, effect positive change, and elect more true public servants.
Letters from an American | Heather Cox Richardson: A newsletter about the history behind today’s politics.
Professional Left Podcast | Driftglass + Blue Gal: The cornfield resistance persists via language, memory, and history; podcasting since 2010.
The Contrarian | Jennifer Rubin + Norman Ornstein (founders): Articles by many writers, video interviews, and resistance information.
Today’s Edition Newsletter | Robert B. Hubbell: A reflection on today’s news through the lens of hope.
Common Dreams: Change for the common good since 1987.
Mother Jones: Non-profit, reader-supported.
The Center for American Progress: Nonpartisan institute advancing bold, progressive ideas to improve American lives.
The Nation: Founded by abolitionists in 1865 for a more democratic and equitable world.
A national campaign opposing the Republican cuts in the budget and Trump’s tax cuts includes the following groups:
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: A nonpartisan research and policy institute that advances federal and state policies to help build a nation where everyone — regardless of income, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, ZIP code, immigration status, or disability status — has the resources they need to thrive and share in the nation’s prosperity.
Community Change Coalition: Community Change is a national organization that builds the power of low-income people, especially people of color, to create a multiracial democracy and a fair economy where everyone can thrive.