Take Action This Holiday Weekend!

STOP THE COUP: Join a rally organized by 75+ MA groups, including many of our allies

Valentine’s Day
Friday, February 14, 12 PM




The Coalition to Reform our Legislature (CROL), a bipartisan reform effort which grew out of PDM’s legislative reform working group, just filed two bills that will: change the current stipend system to link legislators’ compensation to job performance and establish nonpartisan offices for legislative research and fiscal analysis. Not surprisingly, these significant reform initiatives have not met with enthusiasm at the State House. The bill numbers are:

HD.1802/SD.2614 Legislative research and fiscal analysis offices
HD.4303/SD.1301 Stipend reform

PDM is asking everyone concerned about the lack of accountability and productivity in our MA legislature to contact their elected Reps and Senators to urge them to support these two bills*. Find your Rep and Senator here.

Also, if you, your organization or your friends want to get more involved in these efforts to reform our legislature, please share these bills and contact PDM at progressivedemsofmass@gmail.com.


*Here is some suggested language for sending a postcard or email — please make it your own:

Dear [Rep. or Senator Xxxxx],

Your constituents deplore the lack of accountability, transparency and productivity in our MA legislature. I urge you to support the two bills filed by the bipartisan Coalition to Reform Our Legislature: HD.1802/SD.2614 to create offices of legislative research and fiscal analysis, and HD.4303/SD.1301 to reform the legislative stipend system.

Thank you! Your constituent,

[Your name and address]


View the recording of the PDM Forum | MA Legislative Dysfunction: How it Affects Us All


By Mary Ann Stewart, Jeanne Krieger, and Cathleen Cavell, for PDM Leadership Team